From the Netherlands Presidency of the EU Council: Coordinated vulnerability disclosure Manifesto signed

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Approximately 30 organisations have signed the Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Manifesto today, in which they declare to support the principle of having a point of contact to report IT vulnerabilities to and already have this set up in their own organisations, or they plan to do so soon. By signing the manifesto, the participating organisations acknowledge the importance of efforts of the research and the white-hats communities to make the internet and our society safer. The manifesto is an initiative of Rabobank and CIO Platform Nederland. The signing took place during the High Level Meeting Cyber Security in Amsterdam, organised by the Ministry of Security and Justice during the Netherlands’ Presidency of the EU Council.

For more information: CIO Platform Nederland, Lydia Kampman, [email protected], 0614031732 Rabobank, Kees Nanninga, [email protected], 0302161740